M2G Cloud
Our M2G Cloud delivers real time visible savings dashboard plus analytics for new and existing installations. Hyper encrypted GSM transmission removes security complexities associated with client’s LAN networks and directly address the 92% of non-electrical energy consumption attributed to space heating and hot water in commercial buildings and venues.

Estate wide / Worldwide visible savings and plant room analytics to maximise efficiency
Visible savings wherever you are
With M2G Cloud visible savings underway, the opportunity now exists to review your current plant and control systems visibly and objectively. Identify and solve new, persistent or invisible issues once and for all and of course, implement and measure new efficiency initiatives to further reduce environmental impact and achieve your emission reduction targets.
Gem can now identify and solve known, invisible or anticipated plant issues while delivering savings. We can identify, report and confirm solutions through analysis and partnership.

Designed to eliminate boiler nuisance activity
- dry cycling
- short cycling
- boiler response to hydraulic short circuiting
These predictible nuisance activities occur at very low load conditions and are very wasteful of energy leading to increased fossil fuel bills, associated Co2 emissions and un-necessary wear & tear and maintenance on expensive boiler plant.
M2G can be applied on all boiler types e.g. forced draught, atmospheric, single and 2-stage including condensing and modulating boilers, and oil fired boilers but not steam.
How M2G Works:
In and Out
M2G has two digital temperature probes which are attached externally to the each boiler Return (IN) and Flow (OUT) pipe-work manifold.
The M2G logic monitors temperatures every second and creates a ‘movie’ of circulating boiler water temperatures.
Eliminate Nuisance Boiler Activity
The M2G temperature logic is used to eliminate nuisance boiler activity where boilers respond to their own fixed and predictable heat loss when there is no heating demand.
Savings are achieved by measuring the temperature gradient over time of ‘boiler in’ and ‘boiler out’ water. This additional information enables M2G to eliminate boiler nuisance activity. Savings greater than 10% can be expected in addition to BMS. Savings range from 10% – 25% depending on controls and system set up.
Learn more:

What is dry cycling?
The boiler fires to reach its set point, meeting the building’s heating demands (load). Once the set point has been reached the boiler stops firing.
However, standing heat losses continue and the boiler cools down without transferring this heat to the system load. The boiler will then fire unnecessarily to recover these losses even though the building requires no heat.

Additional Heat Loss
The heat loss is exacerbated when the boiler enters a pre-purge before the next firing to remove any residue of combustible gases.
This is effectively blowing cool air across the combustion space therefore cooling the boiler down before it begins to re-fire.

Continuous Dry Cycling
Dry cycling occurs throughout the year, even if the boilers are just providing hot water generation during the summer months.
Boilers will fire unnecessary to recover standing losses resulting in wasted fuel consumption, costs and CO2 emissions.

M2G Savings
Dry cycling can be removed by fitting M2G advanced boiler load control to each boiler. M2G indentifies and removes dry cycling, reducing energy costs and CO2 emissions.
Savings Made by Companies who have adopted M2G
- DELL 35%
- Milford Hospice 20%
- Clarion Hotels 34%
- Ulster Bank 25%
- Tipperary Energy Agency 20%
- Superquinn 13%
- Inst Mechanical Eng 17%
- O2 27%
- UL Arena 19%
- Kerry County Council 16%
- Hermitage Clinic 12%
- Dublin City Council 22%
- 3 Arena 22%
- Our Lady’s Hospice 13%
- Cork University Hospital 10.1%
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