by GEM | Sep 10, 2015 | GEM News
A total of #6 M2G units were installed at Westpark Shannon The project was part funded by one of GEM’s Energy Partner Companies Savings were analysed to IPMVP and a reduction of 20% was delivered for the client.
by GEM | Sep 10, 2015 | GEM News
GEM installed a number of M2G advanced boiler controls with interface units at DELL’s Cherrywood Campus building …. this is an exciting project and follows on from delivering significant savings for DELL in Limerick
by GEM | Sep 7, 2015 | GEM News
2 M2G systems delivered savings for Tornier of 17% ‘the overall percentage savings exceeded my expectations’ Jerry Lyne Tech. Services Manager. Tornier
by GEM | May 10, 2015 | GEM News
A total of #4 M2G were installed over #2 days at the Mid-West Regional University Hospital Limerick This project was fully funded by one of GEM’s Energy Partner Companies
by GEM | Apr 10, 2015 | GEM News
#2 M2G were installed for Hasbro (the Games People) in Waterford The project was fully funded by one of GEM’s Energy Partner Companies under the EEOS Scheme
by GEM | Mar 10, 2015 | GEM News
GEM installed #4 M2G advanced boiler controls on the boilers at Eircom HQ Hueston South Quarter, Dublin This was a seamless installation with no interruption to service during the project delivery In addition, GEM installed c. #60 thermal jackets to insulate the...